
  • Our curriculum a “Child – centered’ Pedagogy, gives primary to Children’s experiences, voice and active participation. When we plan curriculum we keep in mind the physical, cultural, social preferences, psychological development and interests of the student.
  • We provide broad, balanced curriculum defined in revised Benjamin Blooms Taxonomy of Educational objectives. All learning takes place in three domains or areas.
    • The cognitive. (Knowledge)
    • The affective (Attitude)
    • The Psychomotor (Skills)
  • Based on it our curriculum states that intellectual abilities and skills are mastered in six different categories or steps.
    • Creating
    • Evaluating
    • Analyzing
    • Applying
    • Understanding
    • Remembering
  • Our curriculum will enable the students to develop their high order thinking skill Social skill and emotional skill that consist of problem solving, decision making, generating and building on new ideas, asking original and imaginative questions and enrichment activities, focusing life skill and values.
  • Our curriculum is aligned with the aims of the CBSE to put an end to rote learning and to assure all round development of the child through the process of CCE.
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